Football – Our Way of Life [by MilanKakaBaros]

Kaka Video Rating: four / 5

25 thoughts on “Football – Our Way of Life [by MilanKakaBaros]

  1. c0rnelisg

    Dennis Bergkamp.
    Onze voetbalheld. Een van de vele Groten die opstonden vanuit het Nederlands voetbal. Zo’n klein land, zoveel talent. Trots past ons allen!
    Our big soccerhero. One of the Great who stood up from Dutch soccer. So small country, so many heroes. I’m proud!
    Greetings from Holland.

  2. Luq1989

    @AnttiFantti3 make a movie better than him and than you can complain about his language…

  3. ihussain81

    football is my way of life…this video has proven furthermore….fantastic vid mate. gave me goosebumps

  4. ihatechesel

    As kanye west would say it….This is one of the best videos of all time…one of the best videos of all time

  5. quaker07

    there are some americans out there who appreciate the beauty of this game. @virtr3uoso – calling “soccer” a disgrace because of diving is like calling american football or baseball pathetic because of steroids. every sport out there is tainted to some degree, but diving is such a small part of football as a whole (just like flopping in basketball). you can’t seem to see the forest for the trees.

  6. Dracenalive

    @MrFootballitis “Sense of Touch” by Mark Isham…it is part of
    “crash”- soundtrack

  7. Dracenalive

    @MrFootballitis “Sense of Touch” by Mark Isham…it is part of
    “crash”- soundtrack

  8. virtr3uoso

    @RelliKtm Your game is a disgrace to mankind, bunch of pansy cunts diving for a penalty. Go shove a World Cup trophy up your fucking ass. You show me red card I’ll punch you in the face, go home & kill yourself HOMO!

  9. RelliKtm

    @virtr3uoso Haha you got fucking owned! Fuck off you American prick, we created football before you created NFL so stop calling your shit game football because it disgraces the word! Cunt